Source code for romancal.assign_wcs.assign_wcs_step

Assign a gWCS object to a science image.


import logging

import gwcs.coordinate_frames as cf
from astropy import coordinates as coord
from astropy import units as u
from gwcs.wcs import WCS, Step
from roman_datamodels import datamodels as rdm

from ..stpipe import RomanStep
from . import pointing
from .utils import add_s_region, wcs_bbox_from_shape

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["AssignWcsStep", "load_wcs"]

[docs] class AssignWcsStep(RomanStep): """Assign a gWCS object to a science image.""" reference_file_types = ["distortion"]
[docs] def process(self, input): reference_file_names = {} with, lazy_load=False) as input_model: for reftype in self.reference_file_types:"reftype, {reftype}") reffile = self.get_reference_file(input_model, reftype) # Check for a valid reference file if reffile == "N/A": self.log.warning("No DISTORTION reference file found") self.log.warning("Assign WCS step will be skipped") result = input_model.copy() result.meta.cal_step.assign_wcs = "SKIPPED" return result reference_file_names[reftype] = reffile if reffile else """Using reference files: %s for assign_wcs", reference_file_names) result = load_wcs(input_model, reference_file_names) if self.save_results: try: self.suffix = "assignwcs" except AttributeError: self["suffix"] = "assignwcs" return result
def load_wcs(input_model, reference_files=None): """Create a gWCS object and store it in ``Model.meta``. Parameters ---------- input_model : `~roman_datamodels.datamodels.WfiImage` The exposure. reference_files : dict A dict {reftype: reference_file_name} containing all reference files that apply to this exposure. Returns ------- output_model : `~roman_datamodels.ImageModel` The input image file with attached gWCS object. The input_model is modified in place. """ output_model = input_model if reference_files is not None: for ref_type, ref_file in reference_files.items(): reference_files[ref_type] = ( ref_file if ref_file not in ["N/A", ""] else None ) else: reference_files = {} # Frames detector = cf.Frame2D(name="detector", axes_order=(0, 1), unit=(u.pix, u.pix)) v2v3 = cf.Frame2D( name="v2v3", axes_order=(0, 1), axes_names=("v2", "v3"), unit=(u.arcsec, u.arcsec), ) world = cf.CelestialFrame(reference_frame=coord.ICRS(), name="world") # Transforms between frames distortion = wfi_distortion(output_model, reference_files) tel2sky = pointing.v23tosky(output_model) pipeline = [ Step(detector, distortion), Step(v2v3, tel2sky), Step(world, None), ] wcs = WCS(pipeline) if wcs.bounding_box is None: wcs.bounding_box = wcs_bbox_from_shape( output_model.meta["wcs"] = wcs # update S_REGION add_s_region(output_model) output_model.meta.cal_step["assign_wcs"] = "COMPLETE" return output_model def wfi_distortion(model, reference_files): """ Create the "detector" to "v2v3" transform for WFI Parameters ---------- model : `~roman_datamodels.datamodels.WfiImage` The data model for processing reference_files : dict A dict {reftype: reference_file_name} containing all reference files that apply to this exposure. Returns ------- The transform model """ dist = rdm.DistortionRefModel(reference_files["distortion"]) transform = dist.coordinate_distortion_transform try: bbox = transform.bounding_box except NotImplementedError: # Check if the transform in the reference file has a ``bounding_box``. # If not set a ``bounding_box`` equal to the size of the image after # assembling all distortion corrections. bbox = None dist.close() if bbox is None: transform.bounding_box = wcs_bbox_from_shape( else: transform.bounding_box = bbox return transform