Source code for romancal.linearity.linearity_step

Apply linearity correction to a science image

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from roman_datamodels import datamodels as rdd
from roman_datamodels.dqflags import pixel
from stcal.linearity.linearity import linearity_correction

from romancal.stpipe import RomanStep

__all__ = ["LinearityStep"]

[docs] class LinearityStep(RomanStep): """ LinearityStep: This step performs a correction for non-linear detector response, using the "classic" polynomial method. """ reference_file_types = ["linearity"]
[docs] def process(self, input): # Open the input data model with, lazy_load=False) as input_model: # Get the name of the linearity reference file to use self.lin_name = self.get_reference_file(input_model, "linearity")"Using LINEARITY reference file: %s", self.lin_name) # Check for a valid reference file if self.lin_name == "N/A": self.log.warning("No LINEARITY reference file found") self.log.warning("Linearity step will be skipped") input_model.meta.cal_step["linearity"] = "SKIPPED" return input_model lin_model = rdd.LinearityRefModel(self.lin_name, copy_arrays=True) # copy poly coeffs from linearity model so Nan's can be updated lin_coeffs = lin_model.coeffs lin_dq = lin_model.dq # 2D pixeldq from linearity model gdq = input_model.groupdq # groupdq array of input model pdq = input_model.pixeldq # pixeldq array of input model gdq = gdq[np.newaxis, :] =[np.newaxis, :] # Call linearity correction function in stcal # The third return value is the procesed zero frame which # Roman does not use. new_data, new_pdq, _ = linearity_correction(, gdq, pdq, lin_coeffs, lin_dq, pixel ) = u.Quantity( new_data[0, :, :, :], u.DN, dtype=new_data.dtype ) input_model.pixeldq = new_pdq # Close the reference file and update the step status lin_model.close() input_model.meta.cal_step["linearity"] = "COMPLETE" if self.save_results: try: self.suffix = "linearity" except AttributeError: self["suffix"] = "linearity" return input_model