Source code for romancal.tweakreg.astrometric_utils

import os

import requests
from astropy import table
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

from ..assign_wcs import utils as wcsutil
from ..resample import resample_utils


# VO request timeout (in seconds)
TIMEOUT = 30.0

if ASTROMETRIC_CAT_ENVVAR in os.environ:


Primary function for creating an astrometric reference catalog.


[docs] def create_astrometric_catalog( input_models, catalog="GAIADR3", output="ref_cat.ecsv", gaia_only=False, table_format="ascii.ecsv", existing_wcs=None, num_sources=None, epoch=None, ): """Create an astrometric catalog that covers the inputs' field-of-view. Parameters ---------- input_models : str, list Filenames of images to be aligned to astrometric catalog catalog : str, optional Name of catalog to extract astrometric positions for sources in the input images' field-of-view. Default: GAIADR3. Options available are documented on the catalog web page. output : str, optional Filename to give to the astrometric catalog read in from the master catalog web service. If None, no file will be written out. gaia_only : bool, optional Specify whether or not to only use sources from GAIA in output catalog table_format: str, optional Format to be used when writing the results to a file using the `output` option. A full list of the options can be found here: existing_wcs : model existing WCS object specified by the user as generated by `resample.resample_utils.make_output_wcs` num_sources : int Maximum number of brightest/faintest sources to return in catalog. If `num_sources` is negative, return that number of the faintest sources. By default, all sources are returned. epoch: float or str, optional Reference epoch used to update the coordinates for proper motion (in decimal year). If `None` then the epoch is obtained from the metadata. Notes ----- This function will point to astrometric catalog web service defined through the use of the `ASTROMETRIC_CATALOG_URL` environment variable. Also, the default catalog to be used is set by the `DEF_CAT` variable. Returns ------- ref_table : `~astropy.table.Table` Astropy Table object of the catalog """ # start by creating a composite field-of-view for all inputs # This default output WCS will have the same plate-scale and orientation # as the first member in the list. # Fortunately, for alignment, this doesn't matter since no resampling of # data will be performed. if existing_wcs is not None: outwcs = existing_wcs else: outwcs = resample_utils.make_output_wcs(input_models) radius, fiducial = compute_radius(outwcs) # perform query for this field-of-view epoch = ( epoch if epoch is not None else input_models[0].meta.exposure.mid_time.decimalyear ) if not isinstance(epoch, float): # keep only decimal point and digit characters epoch = float("".join(c for c in str(epoch) if c == "." or c.isdigit())) ref_dict = get_catalog( fiducial[0], fiducial[1], epoch=epoch, sr=radius, catalog=catalog ) colnames = ("ra", "dec", "mag", "objID", "epoch") ref_table = ref_dict[colnames] # Add catalog name as meta data ref_table.meta["catalog"] = catalog ref_table.meta["gaia_only"] = gaia_only # rename coordinate columns to be consistent with tweakwcs ref_table.rename_column("ra", "RA") ref_table.rename_column("dec", "DEC") # Append GAIA ID as a new column to the table... gaia_sources = [] for source in ref_dict: if "GAIAsourceID" in source: g = source["GAIAsourceID"] if gaia_only and g.strip() == "": continue else: g = "-1" # indicator for no source ID extracted gaia_sources.append(g) gaia_col = table.Column(data=gaia_sources, name="GaiaID", dtype="U25") ref_table.add_column(gaia_col) # sort table by magnitude, fainter to brightest ref_table.sort("mag", reverse=True) # If specified by the use through the 'num_sources' parameter, # trim the returned catalog down to just the brightest 'num_sources' sources # Should 'num_sources' be a negative value, it will return the faintest # 'num_sources' sources. if num_sources is not None: indx = -1 * num_sources ref_table = ref_table[:indx] if num_sources < 0 else ref_table[indx:] # Write out table to a file, if specified if output is not None: ref_table.write(output, format=table_format, overwrite=True) return ref_table
""" Utility functions for creating an astrometric reference catalog. """
[docs] def compute_radius(wcs): """Compute the radius from the center to the furthest edge of the WCS.""" fiducial = wcsutil.compute_fiducial([wcs], wcs.bounding_box) img_center = SkyCoord(ra=fiducial[0] *, dec=fiducial[1] * wcs_foot = wcs.footprint() img_corners = SkyCoord(ra=wcs_foot[:, 0] *, dec=wcs_foot[:, 1] * radius = img_center.separation(img_corners).max().value return radius, fiducial
[docs] def get_catalog(ra, dec, epoch=2016.0, sr=0.1, catalog="GAIADR3", timeout=TIMEOUT): """Extract catalog from VO web service. Parameters ---------- ra : float Right Ascension (RA) of center of field-of-view (in decimal degrees) dec : float Declination (Dec) of center of field-of-view (in decimal degrees) epoch: float, optional Reference epoch used to update the coordinates for proper motion (in decimal year). Default: 2016.0. sr : float, optional Search radius (in decimal degrees) from field-of-view center to use for sources from catalog. Default: 0.1 degrees catalog : str, optional Name of catalog to query, as defined by web-service. Default: 'GAIADR3' timeout : float, optional Set the request timeout (in seconds). Default: 30 s. Returns ------- A Table object of returned sources with all columns as provided by catalog. """ service_type = "vo/CatalogSearch.aspx" spec_str = "RA={}&DEC={}&EPOCH={}&SR={}&FORMAT={}&CAT={}&MINDET=5" headers = {"Content-Type": "text/csv"} fmt = "CSV" spec = spec_str.format(ra, dec, epoch, sr, fmt, catalog) service_url = f"{SERVICELOCATION}/{service_type}?{spec}" try: rawcat = requests.get(service_url, headers=headers, timeout=timeout) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise requests.exceptions.ConnectionError( "Could not connect to the VO API server. Try again later." ) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: raise requests.exceptions.Timeout("The request to the VO API server timed out.") except requests.exceptions.RequestException: raise requests.exceptions.RequestException( "There was an unexpected error with the request." ) # convert from bytes to a String r_contents = rawcat.content.decode() rstr = r_contents.split("\r\n") # remove initial line describing the number of sources returned # CRITICAL to proper interpretation of CSV data del rstr[0] if len(rstr) == 0: raise Exception( """VO catalog service returned no results.\n Hint: maybe reviewing the search parameters might help.""" ) return, format="csv")