
This module provides the sole interface to all methods of performing outlier detection on Roman observations. The outlier detection algorithm used for WFI data is implemented in OutlierDetection and described in Outlier Detection Algorithm.


Whether the data are being provided in an association file or as a list of ASDF filenames, they must always be wrapped with a ModelContainer, which will handle and read in the input properly.

On successful completion, this step will return the input models with DQ arrays updated with flags for identified outliers.

romancal.outlier_detection.outlier_detection_step Module

Public common step definition for OutlierDetection processing.


OutlierDetectionStep([name, parent, ...])

Flag outlier bad pixels and cosmic rays in DQ array of each input image.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of romancal.outlier_detection.outlier_detection_step.OutlierDetectionStep