Pipeline StagesΒΆ

The data from different observing modes needs to be processed with the proper pipeline levels listed below. The pipeline, and step selection in a pipeline, are usually based solely on the exposure type (exposure.type attribute). End-to-end calibration of Roman data is divided into levels of processing:

  • The Exposure Level Processing (ELP) consists of detector-level corrections applied to each resultant, followed by ramp fitting. The output of the exposure level processing is a count rate image per exposure, that is aligned to the Gaia reference system. The details differ for imaging and spectroscopic exposures and can be found at Exposure Level Processing.

  • The High Level Processing (HLP) uses overlapping exposures to match the sky background, detect aberrant data values and resample the image to produce a single undistorted product. Details are at: High Level Image Processing

    The table below represents the same information as described above, but alphabetically ordered by pipeline class.

Pipeline Class


Used For



Exposure Level



High Level