
The source detection step produces catalogs of point-like sources for use by the Tweakreg step for image alignment. It uses DAOStarFinder to detect point sources in the image, with an option to subsequently fit PSF models to the detected sources for more precise centroids and fluxes.

Detecting Sources

Sources are detected using DAOStarFinder from photutils, which is an implementation of the method DAOFIND from Stetson (1987). The algorithm can be provided limits on the source flux, radius, roundness, sharpness, and background.

PSF Fitting

Star finding algorithms like DAOStarFinder provide approximate stellar centroids. More precise centroids may be inferred by fitting model PSFs to the observations. Setting the SourceDetectionStep’s option fit_psf to True will generate model Roman PSFs with WebbPSF, and fit those models to each of the sources detected by DAOStarFinder. More details are in PSF Fitting.

Outputs / Returns

By default, the resulting source catalog will be temporarily attached to the output ImageModel in the meta.source_catalog.tweakreg_catalog attribute as numpy array representing, in order, source ID, x centroid position, y centroid position, and flux. This catalog will then be deleted from the model in the Tweakreg step.

Optionally, the catalog can be saved to disk in which case a meta.source_catalog.tweakreg_catalog_name attribute will be added to the file to point Tweakreg to the catalog on disk. To do this, set save_catalogs to True. Output catalogs will be saved in the same directory as input files, and are also 4D numpy arrays representing, in order, source ID, x centroid position, y centroid position, and flux. Output catalogs can be in ASDF or ECSV format.

NOTE: The intermediate resulting ImageModel from SourceDetectionStep can only be saved if it does not contain an attached catalog - to do this, use the save_catalogs option to separate the catalog from the file and save them separately.

Options for Thresholding

The DAOStarFinder routine detects point-like sources in an image that are above a certain, specified floating point threshold. This step provides several options for calculating this threshold, either using one value for the entire image, or by detecting sources in segments of the image and using a different appropriate threshold for each (useful if background varies across the image).

The first option is to set scalar_threshold - this will use the specified threshold as the detection threshold for the entire image.

The second option is to use calc_threshold - this will calculate a single threshold value for the entire image based on the sigma-clipped average (mean, median, or mode) background level of the whole image.

Other Options

Limiting maximum number of sources

By default, all detected sources will be returned in the final output catalog. If you wish to limit the number of sources, this can be done with the max_sources argument, which will sort the output catalog by flux and return only the N brightest.