Source code for romancal.lib.psf

Utilities for fitting model PSFs to rate images.

import logging
import os

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
import webbpsf
from astropy.modeling.fitting import LevMarLSQFitter
from astropy.nddata import CCDData, bitmask
from astropy.table import Table
from photutils.background import LocalBackground
from photutils.detection import DAOStarFinder
from photutils.psf import (
from roman_datamodels.datamodels import ImageModel
from roman_datamodels.dqflags import pixel
from webbpsf import conf, gridded_library, restart_logging

__all__ = [

# set loggers to debug level by default:
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Phase C central wavelengths [micron], released by Goddard (Jan 2023):
filter_central_wavelengths = {
    "F062": 0.620,
    "F087": 0.869,
    "F106": 1.060,
    "F129": 1.293,
    "F146": 1.464,
    "F158": 1.577,
    "F184": 1.842,
    "F213": 2.125,

default_finder = DAOStarFinder(
    # these defaults extracted from the
    # romancal SourceDetectionStep

[docs] def create_gridded_psf_model( path_prefix, filt, detector, oversample=11, fov_pixels=9, sqrt_n_psfs=2, overwrite=False, buffer_pixels=100, instrument_options=None, logging_level=None, ): """ Compute a gridded PSF model for one SCA via `~webbpsf.gridded_library.CreatePSFLibrary`. Parameters ---------- path_prefix : str or Path-like Prefix to the output file path for the gridded PSF model FITS file. A suffix denoting the detector name will be appended. filt : str Filter name, starting with "F". For example: `"F184"`. detector : str Computed gridded PSF model for this SCA. Examples include: `"SCA01"` or `"SCA18"`. oversample : int, optional Oversample factor, default is 11. See WebbPSF docs for details [1]_. Choosing an odd number makes the pixel convolution more accurate. fov_pixels : int, optional Field of view width [pixels]. Default is 12. See WebbPSF docs for details [1]_. sqrt_n_psfs : int, optional Square root of the number of PSFs to calculate, distributed uniformly across the detector. Default is 4. overwrite : bool, optional Overwrite output file if one already exists. Default is False. buffer_pixels : int, optional Calculate a grid of PSFs distributed uniformly across the detector at least ``buffer_pixels`` away from the detector edges. Default is 100. instrument_options : dict, optional Instrument configuration options passed to WebbPSF. For example, WebbPSF assumes Roman pointing jitter consistent with mission specs by default, but this can be turned off with: ``{'jitter': None, 'jitter_sigma': 0}``. logging_level : str, optional Set logging level by name if not `None`, otherwise inherit from the romancal logger. Returns ------- gridmodel : `photutils.psf.GriddedPSFModel` Gridded PSF model evaluated at several locations on one SCA. model_psf_centroids : list of tuples Pixel locations of the PSF models calculated for ``gridmodel``. References ---------- .. [1] `WebbPSF documentation for `webbpsf.JWInstrument.calc_psf` <>`_ """ if int(sqrt_n_psfs) != sqrt_n_psfs: raise ValueError(f"`sqrt_n_psfs` must be an integer, got {sqrt_n_psfs}.") n_psfs = int(sqrt_n_psfs) ** 2 # webbpsf appends "_sca??.fits" to the requested path: expected_output_path = f"{path_prefix}_{detector.lower()}.fits" # Choose pixel boundaries for the grid of PSFs: start_pix = 0 stop_pix = 4096 # Choose locations on detector for each PSF: if sqrt_n_psfs != 1: pixel_range = np.linspace( start_pix + buffer_pixels, stop_pix - buffer_pixels, int(sqrt_n_psfs) ) else: pixel_range = [(start_pix + stop_pix) / 2] # generate PSFs over a grid of detector positions [pix] model_psf_centroids = [(int(x), int(y)) for y in pixel_range for x in pixel_range] if not os.path.exists(expected_output_path) or overwrite: if logging_level is None: # pass along logging level from __name__'s logger to WebbPSF: logging_level = logging.getLevelName(log.level) # set the WebbPSF logging level (similar to webbpsf.utils.setup_logging): conf.logging_level = logging_level restart_logging(verbose=False) wfi = webbpsf.roman.WFI() wfi.filter = filt if instrument_options is not None: wfi.options.update(instrument_options) # Initialize the PSF library inst = gridded_library.CreatePSFLibrary( instrument=wfi, filter_name=filt, detectors=detector.upper(), num_psfs=n_psfs, oversample=oversample, fov_pixels=fov_pixels, add_distortion=False, crop_psf=False, save=True, filename=path_prefix, overwrite=overwrite, verbose=False, ) inst.location_list = model_psf_centroids # Create the PSF grid: gridmodel = inst.create_grid() elif os.path.exists(expected_output_path): logging.log( logging.INFO, f"Loading existing gridded PSF model from {expected_output_path}", ) psf_model =, unit=u.electron / u.s, ext=0) psf_model.meta = dict(psf_model.meta) psf_model.meta["oversampling"] = oversample psf_model.meta["grid_xypos"] = np.array( [list(tup)[::-1] for tup in model_psf_centroids] ) gridmodel = GriddedPSFModel(psf_model) return gridmodel, model_psf_centroids
[docs] def fit_psf_to_image_model( image_model=None, data=None, error=None, dq=None, photometry_cls=PSFPhotometry, psf_model=None, grouper=None, fitter=None, localbkg_estimator=None, finder=None, x_init=None, y_init=None, progress_bar=False, error_lower_limit=None, fit_shape=(15, 15), exclude_out_of_bounds=True, ): """ Fit PSF models to an ``ImageModel``. Parameters ---------- image_model : `roman_datamodels.datamodels.ImageModel` Image datamodel. If ``image_model`` is supplied, ``data,error,dq`` should be `None`. data : `astropy.units.Quantity` Fit a PSF model to the rate image ``data``. If ``data,error,dq`` are supplied, ``image_model`` should be `None`. error : `astropy.units.Quantity` Uncertainties on fluxes in ``data``. Should be `None` if ``image_model`` is supplied. dq : `numpy.ndarray` Data quality bitmask for ``data``. Should be `None` if ``image_model`` is supplied. photometry_cls : {`photutils.psf.PSFPhotometry`, `photutils.psf.IterativePSFPhotometry`} Choose a photutils PSF photometry technique (default or iterative). psf_model : `astropy.modeling.Fittable2DModel` The 2D PSF model to fit to the rate image. Usually this model is an instance of `photutils.psf.GriddedPSFModel`. grouper : `photutils.psf.SourceGrouper` Specifies rules for attempting joint fits of multiple PSFs when there are nearby sources at small separations. fitter : `astropy.modeling.fitting.Fitter`, optional Modeling class which optimizes the PSF fit. Default is `astropy.modeling.fitting.LevMarLSQFitter(calc_uncertainties=True)`. localbkg_estimator : `photutils.background.LocalBackground`, optional Specifies inner and outer radii for computing flux background near a source. Default has ``inner_radius=10, outer_radius=30``. finder : subclass of `photutils.detection.StarFinderBase`, optional When ``photutils_cls`` is `photutils.psf.IterativePSFPhotometry`, the ``finder`` is called to determine if sources remain in the rate image after one PSF model is fit to the observations and removed. Default was extracted from the `DAOStarFinder` call in the Source Detection step. x_init : `numpy.ndarray`, optional Initial guesses for the ``x`` pixel coordinates of each source to fit. y_init : `numpy.ndarray`, optional Initial guesses for the ``y`` pixel coordinates of each source to fit. progress_bar : bool, optional Render a progress bar via photutils. Default is False. error_lower_limit : `astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Since some synthetic images may have bright sources with very small statistical uncertainties, the ``error`` can be clipped at ``error_lower_limit`` to prevent over-confident fits. fit_shape : int, or tuple of length 2, optional Rectangular shape around the center of a star that will be used to define the PSF-fitting data. See docs for `photutils.psf.PSFPhotometry` for details. Default is ``(16, 16)``. exclude_out_of_bounds : bool, optional If `True`, do not attempt to fit stars which have initial centroids that fall outside the pixel limits of the SCA. Default is False. Returns ------- results_table : `astropy.table.QTable` PSF photometry results. photometry : instance of class ``photutils_cls`` PSF photometry instance with configuration settings and results. """ if grouper is None: # minimum separation before sources are fit simultaneously: grouper = SourceGrouper(min_separation=5) # [pix] if fitter is None: fitter = LevMarLSQFitter(calc_uncertainties=True) # the iterative PSF method requires a finder: psf_photometry_kwargs = {} if photometry_cls is IterativePSFPhotometry or (x_init is None and y_init is None): if finder is None: finder = default_finder psf_photometry_kwargs["finder"] = finder if localbkg_estimator is None: localbkg_estimator = LocalBackground( inner_radius=10, # [pix] outer_radius=30, # [pix] ) photometry = photometry_cls( grouper=grouper, localbkg_estimator=localbkg_estimator, psf_model=psf_model, fitter=fitter, fit_shape=fit_shape, aperture_radius=fit_shape[0], progress_bar=progress_bar, **psf_photometry_kwargs, ) if x_init is not None and y_init is not None: guesses = Table(np.column_stack([x_init, y_init]), names=["x_init", "y_init"]) else: guesses = None if image_model is None: if data is None and error is None: raise ValueError( "PSF fitting requires either an ImageModel, " "or arrays for the data and error." ) ignore_flags = pixel.NO_LIN_CORR # presently the linearity correction is somewhat problematic in # CRDS reference files; we should replace this with ignore_flags = 0 # at some point in the future. if dq is None: if image_model is not None: mask = dq_to_boolean_mask(image_model, ignore_flags=ignore_flags) else: mask = None else: mask = dq_to_boolean_mask(dq) if data is None and image_model is not None: data = if error is None and image_model is not None: error = image_model.err if error_lower_limit is not None: # option to enforce a lower limit on the flux uncertainties error = np.clip(error, error_lower_limit, None) # we also mask non-finite values in the data and error arrays: non_finite = ~np.isfinite(data) | ~np.isfinite(error) if exclude_out_of_bounds and guesses is not None: # don't attempt to fit PSFs for objects with initial centroids # outside the detector boundaries: init_centroid_in_range = ( (guesses["x_init"] > 0) & (guesses["x_init"] < data.shape[0]) & (guesses["y_init"] > 0) & (guesses["y_init"] < data.shape[1]) ) guesses = guesses[init_centroid_in_range] # fit the model PSF to the data: results_table = photometry( data=data, error=error, init_params=guesses, mask=mask | non_finite ) # results are stored on the PSFPhotometry instance: return results_table, photometry
[docs] def dq_to_boolean_mask(image_model_or_dq, ignore_flags=0, flag_map_name="ROMAN_DQ"): """ Convert a DQ bitmask to a boolean mask. Useful for photutils methods. Parameters ---------- image_model_or_dq : `roman_datamodels.datamodels.ImageModel` or `numpy.ndarray` ImageModel containing the DQ bitmask to convert to a boolean mask, or the DQ bitmask itself. ignore_flags : int, str, list, None (default = 0) See docs for `astropy.nddata.bitmask.extend_bit_flag_map` flag_map_name : str Name for the bitmask flag map in the astropy bitmask registry Returns ------- mask : `numpy.ndarray` Boolean mask """ if isinstance(image_model_or_dq, ImageModel): dq = image_model_or_dq.dq else: dq = image_model_or_dq # add the Roman DQ flags to the astropy bitmask registry: dq_flag_map = { dq.value for dq in pixel if != "GOOD"} bitmask.extend_bit_flag_map(flag_map_name, **dq_flag_map) # convert the bitmask to a boolean mask: mask = bitmask.bitfield_to_boolean_mask(dq, ignore_flags=ignore_flags) return mask.astype(bool)