Source code for romancal.pipeline.highlevel_pipeline

#!/usr/bin/env python
import logging
import re
from os.path import basename, isfile

import asdf
import numpy as np
from astropy import coordinates
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.modeling import models
from gwcs import WCS, coordinate_frames

import romancal.datamodels.filetype as filetype
from romancal.datamodels import ModelContainer

# step imports
from romancal.flux import FluxStep
from romancal.outlier_detection import OutlierDetectionStep
from romancal.patch_match import patch_match
from romancal.resample import ResampleStep
from romancal.skymatch import SkyMatchStep

from ..stpipe import RomanPipeline

__all__ = ["HighLevelPipeline"]

# Define logging
log = logging.getLogger()

[docs] class HighLevelPipeline(RomanPipeline): """ HighLevelPipeline: Apply all calibration steps to the roman data to produce level 3 products. Included steps are: ``skymatch``, ``outlier_detection`` and ``resample``. """ class_alias = "roman_hlp" spec = """ save_results = boolean(default=False) """ # Define aliases to steps step_defs = { "flux": FluxStep, "skymatch": SkyMatchStep, "outlier_detection": OutlierDetectionStep, "resample": ResampleStep, } # start the actual processing
[docs] def process(self, input): """Process the Roman WFI data from Level 2 to Level 3""""Starting Roman high level calibration pipeline ...") if isinstance(input, str): input_filename = basename(input) else: input_filename = None # open the input file file_type = filetype.check(input) if file_type == "asdf":"The level three pipeline input needs to be an association") return if file_type == "asn": input = ModelContainer(input) self.flux.suffix = "flux" result = self.flux(input) self.skymatch.suffix = "skymatch" result = self.skymatch(result) self.outlier_detection.suffix = "outlier_detection" result = self.outlier_detection(result) # # check to see if the product name contains a skycell name & if true get the skycell record product_name = input.asn_table["products"][0]["name"] try: skycell_name = product_name.split("_")[3] except IndexError: skycell_name = "" skycell_record = [] # if this is a valid skycell name load the database and get the skycell record if re.match(r"r\d{3}\w{2}\d{2}x\d{2}y\d{2}", skycell_name): skycell_record = patch_match.PATCH_TABLE[ np.where(patch_match.PATCH_TABLE["name"][:] == skycell_name)[0][0] ]"Skycell record %s:", skycell_record) if skycell_name in skycell_record["name"]: # skycell name are in the form of r270dm90x99y99 # example of product name "r0099101001001001001_F158_visit_r270dm90x99y99" skycell_root = re.findall("^[^%\n\r]*_", product_name)[0] skycell_file_name = skycell_root + skycell_name + "_i2d.asdf" # check to see if there exists a skycell on disk if not create it if not isfile(skycell_file_name): # extract the wcs info from the record for generate_tan_wcs "Creating skycell image at ra: %f dec %f", float(skycell_record["ra_center"]), float(skycell_record["dec_center"]), ) skycell_wcs = generate_tan_wcs(skycell_record) # skycell_wcs.bounding_box = bounding_box # For resample to use an external grid we need to pass it the skycell gwcs object # Currently we cannot do that directly so create an asdf file to read the skycell gwcs object wcs_tree = {"wcs": skycell_wcs} wcs_file = asdf.AsdfFile(wcs_tree) wcs_file.write_to("skycell_wcs.asdf") self.resample.output_wcs = "skycell_wcs.asdf" self.resample.output_shape = ( int(skycell_record["nx"]), int(skycell_record["ny"]), ) "Resampling using %s and data shape %s", self.resample.output_wcs, self.resample.output_shape, ) wcs_file = self.suffix = "i2d" result = self.resample(result) self.output_file = input.asn_table["products"][0]["name"] else:"resampling a mosaic file is not yet supported") exit(0) else: self.resample.suffix = "i2d" result = self.resample(result) self.suffix = "i2d" if input_filename: result.meta.filename = self.output_file self.output_file = input.asn_table["products"][0]["name"] return result
def generate_tan_wcs(skycell_record, shiftx=0, shifty=0): # extract the wcs info from the record for generate_tan_wcs # we need the scale, ra, dec, bounding_box scale = float(skycell_record["pixel_scale"]) ra_center = float(skycell_record["ra_center"]) dec_center = float(skycell_record["dec_center"]) bounding_box = ( (-0.5, float(skycell_record["x_center"]) + 0.5), (-0.5, float(skycell_record["y_center"]) + 0.5), ) shiftx = bounding_box[0][1] shifty = bounding_box[1][1] # components of the model # shift = models.Shift(shiftx) & models.Shift(shifty) # select a scale for the skycell image, this will come from INS and may # be optimized for the different survey programs scale_x = scale scale_y = scale # set the pixelsscale to 0.1 arcsec/pixel pixelscale = models.Scale(scale_x / 3600.0) & models.Scale(scale_y / 3600.0) pixelshift = models.Shift(-1.0 * shiftx) & models.Shift(-1.0 * shifty) tangent_projection = models.Pix2Sky_TAN() celestial_rotation = models.RotateNative2Celestial(ra_center, dec_center, 180.0) det2sky = pixelshift | pixelscale | tangent_projection | celestial_rotation detector_frame = coordinate_frames.Frame2D( name="detector", axes_names=("x", "y"), unit=(u.pix, u.pix) ) sky_frame = coordinate_frames.CelestialFrame( reference_frame=coordinates.ICRS(), name="icrs", unit=(u.deg, u.deg) ) wcsobj = WCS([(detector_frame, det2sky), (sky_frame, None)]) wcsobj.bounding_box = bounding_box return wcsobj