
class romancal.source_detection.SourceDetectionStep(name=None, parent=None, config_file=None, _validate_kwds=True, **kws)[source]

Bases: RomanStep

SourceDetectionStep: Detect point-like sources in image to create a catalog for alignment in tweakreg.

Create a Step instance.

  • name (str, optional) – The name of the Step instance. Used in logging messages and in cache filenames. If not provided, one will be generated based on the class name.

  • parent (Step instance, optional) – The parent step of this step. Used to determine a fully-qualified name for this step, and to determine the mode in which to run this step.

  • config_file (str path, optional) – The path to the config file that this step was initialized with. Use to determine relative path names of other config files.

  • **kws (dict) – Additional parameters to set. These will be set as member variables on the new Step instance.

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary


This is where real work happens.

Attributes Documentation

kernel_fwhm = float(default=None)  # DAOStarFinder:Size of Gaussian kernel,
# in pixels.
sharplo = float(default=0.)  # DAOStarFinder: Lower bound for sharpness.
# Typical values of sharpness range from 0 (flat) to 1 (delta function).
sharphi = float(default=1.0)  # DAOStarFinder: Upper bound for sharpness.
roundlo = float(default=-1.0)  # DAOStarFinder: Lower bound for roundness.
# A circular source will have a zero roundness. A source extended in x or
# y will have a negative or positive roundness, respectively.
roundhi = float(default=1.0)  # DAOStarFinder: Upper bound for roundness.
peakmax = float(default=1000.0)  # Upper limit on brightest pixel in sources.
max_sources = float(default=None)  # Max number of sources, choosing brightest.
scalar_threshold = float(default=None) # Detection threshold, to
# be used for entire image. Assumed to be in same units as data, and is
# an absolute threshold over background.
calc_threshold = boolean(default=True) # Calculate a single absolute
# detection threshold from image based on background.
snr_threshold = float(default=3.0)  # if calc_threshold_img,
# the SNR for the threshold image.
bkg_estimator = string(default='median')  # if calc_threshold_img,
# choice of mean, median, or mode.
bkg_boxsize = integer(default=9)  # if calc_threshold_img,
# size of box in pixels for 2D background.
bkg_sigma = float(default=2.0) # if calc_threshold_img,
# n sigma for sigma clipping bkgrnd.
bkg_filter_size = integer(default=3) # if calc_threshold_img,
# size of Gaussian kernel for background.
save_catalogs = boolean(default=False) # Save source catalog to file?
# Will overwrite an existing catalog of the same name.
output_cat_filetype = option('asdf', 'ecsv', default='asdf') # Used if
#save_catalogs=True - file type of output catalog.
fit_psf = boolean(default=False)  # fit source PSFs for accurate astrometry

Methods Documentation


This is where real work happens. Every Step subclass has to override this method. The default behaviour is to raise a NotImplementedError exception.