Processing Levels and Product StagesΒΆ

Here we describe the structure and content of the most frequently used forms of files for Roman science data products, which are in ASDF format. Each type of ASDF file is the result of serialization of a corresponding DataModel.

Within the various STScI internal data processing and archiving systems that are used for routine processing of Roman data, there are some different uses of terminology to refer to different levels of processing. The WFI data is converted into ASDF files by Science Data Formatting (SDF), level 0. SDF also inserts data from the engineering database and from the proposal database to create the level 1 files. SDF produces one ASDF file per detector and exposure and these level 1 files are used as input to the Exposure Level Processing. The output of the exposure level processing is a level 2 file.

Data Processing Levels

User Data Product Stages

Input data level

Level 0, Raw files

Exposure data in an ASDF file


Level 1, Exposure Level Processing

Fully populated ASDF file


Level 2, High Level Processing

Fully calibrated ASDF file

calibrated exposures